Catalog Maintenace Service Console Output

12:55:11,015 INFO [CatalogMaintenanceService] Service CatalogMaintenance - processing functions: AGS_GENPROPERTIES
12:55:11,104 INFO [CatalogMaintenanceService] Service Lock CatalogMaintenance obtained for service CatalogMaintenance.
12:55:11,110 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Service AncestorGenerator - processing functions: AGS_GENPROPERTIES
12:55:11,110 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:performService starting.
12:55:11,110 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Update Catalogs: started at Mon Jun 18 12:55:11 IST 2012
12:55:11,116 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Executing count queries for base catalogs, categories and folders.
12:55:11,118 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree starting to process base catalogs.
12:55:11,118 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree ended processing of base catalogs.
12:55:11,120 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree starting to process base categories.
12:55:11,365 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree ended processing base categories.
12:55:11,367 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree starting to process base catalog folders.
12:55:11,367 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree ended processing of base catalog folders.
12:55:11,367 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree starting to update repository for catalogs and categories.
12:55:11,516 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree update to repository ended for catalogs and categories.
12:55:11,516 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree starting to update repository for products and skus.
12:55:11,518 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] updateProducts: starting to process products.
12:55:11,518 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Product range builder loop
12:55:11,519 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Execution of rangebean query starting at:0 using query:all with starting index:0
12:55:11,546 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Execution of rangebean query completed.
12:55:11,655 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Creating UpdateProductRange object:missing_product - prod2001
12:55:11,657 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Update thread started for range missing_product to prod2009
12:55:12,054 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Finished update of data.
12:55:12,076 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] updateProducts: finished processing product requests.
12:55:12,077 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] updateSkus: starting to process skus.
12:55:12,092 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Sku range builder loop
12:55:12,092 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Execution of rangebean query starting at:0 using query:all with starting index:0
12:55:12,108 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Execution of rangebean query completed.
12:55:12,118 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Creating UpdateSkuRange object:missing_product_sku - sku50001
12:55:12,120 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Update thread started for range missing_product_sku to sku50111
12:55:12,121 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Sku Range calculation completed.
12:55:13,541 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Finished update of data.
12:55:13,559 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] updateSkus: finished thread.
12:55:13,559 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] updateSkus: finished processing skus.
12:55:13,559 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:processTree update to repository ended for products and skus.
12:55:13,559 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Update Catalogs: ended at Mon Jun 18 12:55:13 IST 2012
12:55:13,559 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] Update Catalogs: total processing time is seconds: 2
12:55:13,559 INFO [AncestorGeneratorService] TreeWalkUpdateService:performService finished in 2 seconds.
12:55:13,560 INFO [CatalogMaintenanceService] Service Lock CatalogMaintenance released for service CatalogMaintenance.

See different ways to update catalog structure


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