ATG JSP tags with sample codes
Below are the few usages of JSP tags in ATG context.
1.Setting Bean values in different ways
Setting Bean from a parameter
<dsp:a href="myfile.jsp" bean="" paramvalue="user">
some text...
Setting Bean from a constant
<dsp:a href="myfile.jsp" bean="" value="sebastian">
some text...
<dsp:getvalueof id="name" bean="" idtype="java.lang.String">
this can be used inside other tags(dsp or jstl) or in the page itself using scriplet tags.given below one usage.
<c:if test="${empty name}">
<c:set var="name" value="atg_store_formValidationError"/>
The setvalue tag allows you to set a bean property or page parameter with a value copied from another bean property,page parameter or constant.
Setting a parameter value to bean value
<dsp:setvalue param="myparam" beanvalue=""/>
setting a bean value to a page parameter
<dsp:setvalue bean="" paramvalue="myparam"/>
setting a parameter value to a constant
<dsp:setvalue param="myparam" value="Hello World"/>
setting a bean value to a constant
<dsp:setvalue bean="" value="Hello World"/>
Setting param from constant
<dsp:param name="amount" value="20.12"/>
setting param from a component
<dsp:param name="repository" bean="/atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository" />
setting param from an inscope parameter
<dsp:param name="id" value="element.repositoryId"/>
See usages for other tags as well.
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