Modifying Registry keys for Standalone ATG Control Center

This can be done by editing the Registry Key.But take proper care in doing so.

Go to the Start Menu->Run-type regedit then go to

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DNSClient]

You will see an entry 'SearchList' if not add an entry for that,in
 the data field of 'SearchList' enter the host name to be resolved.
eg: -> SearchList=","

Now exit from Registry Editor.Run the command ipconfig/flushdns from
your Command Window.

After this ,Open your  standalone ACC.

You will be prompted with  a dialog box which asks for,

”some files need to be downloaded from the Dynamo server
To run this program successfully.Proceed with download ?"

Click Yes and you will be able to Open your ACC .done!!

You can see how to modify hosts file for this -> Modifying Windows Hosts file


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