How to run remote debug in eclipse with weblogic

I came across so many question and answers posted by peoples regarding to initiate a remote debug session from eclipse to application which is running in xyz port of weblogic thought of coming up with what i have done,which is pretty straight forward.(i have tried this successfully in Weblogic9.1)

The very first golden rule is,while configuring the remote debug session make sure you are not specifying the same port number where your weblogic server is running,it has to be a free port(use this link to find the appropriate ports -> List of Ports).

The configuration  for remote debug is specified in the startup scripts of weblogic server,either in the 'startWeblogic.cmd' or 'setDomainEnv.cmd' or any other executable file associated with startup of the server.

I am modifying the script 'setDomainEnv.cmd'.Below are the two things you need to do to achieve this.

1.Set the debgug flag as true in the first line of the script.(set
2.Add the line to append JAVA_OPTIONS variable.

debug java options

In the address property specify the debug port which i have given 8000.

Save the file and restart your weblogic server.
At the startup of weblogic server you can see this message
'Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000'
you are done with Weblogic.

Now go to your Eclipse IDE,Select WIndow-Show View-Debug.Debug Configurations-Remote Java-Application,right click,New.Name - can be any name,Project will be set default if you have already opened a file in Eclipse,otherwise choose from available projects configured in workspace, Hostname is the Server you want debug remotely, and the port is 8000,start debugging .

you can also check how we can run a  remote debug while both your admin and managed servers are running ->
Remote Debug with Managed Servers Running


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