ATG FAQ/ATG Interview Questions(set1)

1.   Which droplet displays the contents of the slot?
a. slot value
b. possible value
c. targeting for each
d. item lookup droplet
Answer: C
   2. To make use of the targeting features of the acc a content
     repository must----
a. be structured with content folder items and content items
b. contain the metadata and the content itself in the same data source
c. be built without using repository item inheritanc and can
   only have non  multivalued properties
d. be listed in the initial repositories property of the content repositories  component 
   Answer: D
3. Characteristic of a transient repository item property?
a. It holds repository meta-data
b. It is not stored in the database
c. It is not cleared in the repository
d. It is not stored in auxiliary database table 
   Answer: B
4. An application modules required classes is specified in ---     file.
a. The META.INF file
b.The modules jar file
c.The application.xml
d.The MANIFEST.MF file
e.The file
  Answer: D

5. An online application requires the value of a user’s security privilege be inherited from the privilege of its parent organization unless a value is specified on a per-user basis. Which repository provides the quickest and easiest implementation.
a.RQL filter
b.Derived property
c.Custom property
d.Item-desriptor inheritance 
  Answer: B
Few other general questions

1. What are the different conditions where anonymous
   profile be persisted ?
2. Which is the  ATG out of the box component you need to
change when you want to customize Shipping Group
or Payment Group? 
3. What are all the different states of Order you can find in the
   Shopping Cart?
4. What is the property which allows you to switch b/t different
   order states ?

Questions(set 2)
Certification Question


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