Running your ATG Server on Jboss

1.Double click on the New Jboss Server created by you 
  from the previous steps and open launch configuration.

Jboss Server Overview Screen in Eclipse

2.Click the tab arguments,add the below line

-c MyATGServer  -b
-b - > To resolve all the Services to localhost

VM Arguments -Xms128m -Xmx512m  -XX:
MaxPermSize=256m depends upon your Hardware settings this can vary

Working Directory - C:/jboss-eap-5.0/jboss-as/bin

Now right click your New Jboss Server and Start Done !!!

Alternatively,open the cmd prompt ,go to the path

type the command -> run -c MyATGServer -b -b

You may also see how to create your own ATG Server on Jboss


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