ATG-Class-Path Usage and Duplicate Class Files in JARS
I came across a situation in which i have two Class Files of the same name in different JARs but with some methods similar and other methods entirely different , these two JARS are required for the same Project with different Modules and i want to access the one which is compatible with my Code and Module,The other Module obviously dont want this Class file but requires other Classes,now the issue is you have both the jars in CLASSPATH.How will you make sure you are pointing to the correct Class files in this situation, you need the Class Files from one JAR which has your updated method for a new functionality, You may experience the same issue while organizing imports or resolving a Java component. Here you need to do two things,first one is to resolve the component at Compile time in Eclipse or other IDEs,the second part is to resolve the runtime conflicts in the Application Server So for Compile time,Assume if you are using Eclipse and you have both JAR added ...