
Showing posts from July, 2013

ATG-Class-Path Usage and Duplicate Class Files in JARS

I came across a situation in which i have two Class Files of the same name in different JARs but with some methods similar and other methods entirely different , these two JARS are required for the same Project with different Modules and i want to access the one which is compatible with my Code and Module,The other Module obviously dont want this Class file but requires other Classes,now the issue is you  have both the jars in CLASSPATH.How will you make sure you are pointing to the correct Class files in this situation, you need the Class Files from one JAR which has your updated method for a new functionality, You may experience the same issue while organizing imports or resolving a Java component. Here you need to do two things,first one is to resolve the component at Compile time in Eclipse or other IDEs,the second part is to resolve the runtime conflicts in the Application Server So for Compile time,Assume if you are using Eclipse and you have both  JAR added ...

ATG Implementation Developer Essential Certifications Reference

I have taken the Certification and cleared it ,Following are the few questions and answers i can recollect.Hope this would help you to prepare for the Certifications to some Extend.All the best for the Certifications. Which two ASE tasks can be performed by ACC but not BCC Ans : Scenarios,Slots,Workflow Role of allocateItemRelQuantitychain Ans : To purchase item from Preorder Backorder and the Avaialble Stock Ininvetory   How many current and saved orders does ATG allows fora User Profile Ans : One current Order and Collection of Saved Orders What is a Reanimated Order Ans : Previously Abandoned Order in which user has added items or modified the item quantities What are the properties we need to add in the Versioned schema for Primary tables and Auxiliary tables Ans : asset_version in both Primary and Auxiliary tables,other 7 columns in Primary tables What component should a shareable component register with Ans : sitegroup If you want to update the Computed Catal...

/atg/epub/DeploymentServer error encountered reading in persisted status

 Mon Jul 08 22:07:25 IST 2013    1373301445080   /atg/epub/DeploymentServer      error encountered reading in persisted status  Mon Jul 08 22:07:25 IST 2013    1373301445080   /atg/epub/DeploymentServer              at$BlockDataInputStream.peekByte(  Mon Jul 08 22:07:25 IST 2013    1373301445080   /atg/epub/DeploymentServer              at  Mon Jul 08 22:07:25 IST 2013    1373301445080   /atg/epub/DeploymentServer              at

Weblogic Issues during EAR Deployment Exception in AppMerge flows progression

Unable to access the selected application Exception in AppMerge flows progression Bean already exists "weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.ModuleBeanImpl@..../Modules[weblogic.descriptor.internal.Descriptor.Beankey@....] This issue can happen in many scenarios, may be you need to check your deployment descriptors based on Application Servers used, this generally happens due to issue in XML files related to deployment. I got this issue when i mistakenly added the modules twice in the Manifest file, the module 'Store.Storefront' is added more than once in  'ATG-Required'  of my Manifest.MF file,due to this i am seeing the module 'storedocroot.war' is added twice in my application.xml which is located in the  path ATGProd.ear\META-INF\application.xml.Due to this i am not able to deploy my EAR file. I have removed the duplicate entry and deployed the application and everything working fine. ....... <module>         <web>  ...