BCC Deleting Meta Data Files and Fix for CA Server taking long time to Start

Below are the queries to delete projects which are in
pending deployments stage and Meta data files from the CA database.

Delete from epub_deployment; -- Deleting pending deployment.
DELETE FROM das_depl_depldat;-- Deleting Meta data files from BCC.
DELETE FROM das_depl_options;
DELETE FROM das_depl_repmaps;
DELETE FROM das_depl_item_ref;
DELETE FROM das_depl_progress;
DELETE FROM das_thread_batch;
DELETE FROM das_deploy_data;
DELETE FROM das_dd_markers;
DELETE FROM das_deploy_mark;
DELETE FROM das_rep_mark;
DELETE FROM das_file_mark;
DELETE FROM das_dep_fail_info;
DELETE FROM das_deployment;

Fix in case CA server taking time to start.

Stop CA Server
delete the entries from the table das_gsa_subscriber.
Start CA Server

Also see how to solve BCC snapshot mismatch issue.


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