
google chrome not connecting to internet

After downloading Google Chrome Browser, when you try to access any website you might see this message 'This webpage is not available' , This is because you are not able to connect to Internet from Chrome. Verify you have a Firewall configured in your machine ,For Eg: In Windows 7 check for Symantec Endpoint Protection is configured or any other kind  of Firewall is configured or enabled ,if the firewall is configured you can see the icon on your taskbar,you can see a yellow icon for Symantec Endpoint Protection, right click the icon to open the Configurations. Once the Symantec Protection is opened Go to the 'Network Threat Protection' Section,Click the Options button, then Select 'View Application Settings'. Once the Application Settings Screen is opened,Under the File Name you can see Google Chrome displayed,Check the Action associated with that,it might be blocked at the Firewall as shown below,there will be a checkbox nex...

remote debug configuration in weblogic console

I have seen in many forums and blogs on how to remote debug a Weblogic Admin or Managed Servers. Most of them suggested to modify the files setDomainEnv.cmd or to modify the Startup aScripts like startWeblogic.cmd or startManagedWeblogic.cmd.But these modifications require change of multiple files in case if need to debug both Admin and Managed Servers.There is an easy way you can achieve this through Admin Console Login to the Weblogic Console ,Click on Servers and select the respective Server and go to the Server Start tab like shown below . In the Arguments Section paste the  line along with other arguments if any ,like below.Here address is any port which is free and can be used for remote debugging.I have used 8444. -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8444,server=y,suspend=n -Djava.compiler=NONE Now restart your Weblogic Server you will see the message  in th...

Methods to Integrate Axis and CXF Webservices in our Code

Axis Download and Unzip the Axis Standard Distribution.Get all the required Axis libraries for generating java files from WSDL. set the Classpath to these libraries from the command prompt.The libraries list are given below axis.jar,org.apache.commons.logging_1.0.4.v200904062259.jar, org.apache.commons.logging_1.0.4.v201005080501.jar, commons-discovery-0.2.jar,jaxrpc.jar,jaxws-rt.jar,jaxws-tools.jar, saaj.jar,resources.jar,javax.wsdl_1.5.1.v200806030408.jar, javax.wsdl_1.5.1.v200806030408.jar use the command from Command Prompt for Eg: java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java mywebservice.WSDL to generate the Java Stub Files. Either write a build script or set the classpath and using javac compile the entire Java Files This will generate required stub classes for you to invoke the actual Service. Configure the WebService EndPoints in your Custom Classes and create an instance of the Stub and pass the URl. Create the Necessary Input which will be passed as the request to t...

ATG Customize and Enhance your CRS Module easily

Firstly we need to create a folder and give the name of your choice,For example i have given Wirelessstore, inside that folder you create a META-INF folder,and create a MANIFEST.MF file,once this is done then modify the Manifest file property to ATG-Install-Unit:MyWirelessStore(MyWirelessStore is the name i have given instead of the name Store in CRS module) and create a folder with the same name MyWirelessStore under Wirelessstore,after this copy all  CRS-Store folders under this folder. You can Refer the CommerceReferenceStore Manifest file for this. Now configure your eclipse and import the necessary folders to your workspace.Resolve the classpath by importing required Jars and Classes to your Buildpath and do a clean build of your Project. Now create a runAssembler command so that it will pick modules from your newly created folder structure. runAssembler -m ATGProduction.ear -m DafEar.Admin DPS DSS  DSS DCS.PublishingAgent MyWirelessStore.EStore MyWirelessStore.Rec...

ATG dos and donts with Weblogic

1. Use single and Double quotes alternatively .             <dsp:param name='<%="abc"%>' value = "12" /> - Correct     <dsp:param name="<%="abc"%>" value = "12" /> - Wrong 2. Proper String Concatenation     <dsp:param name='"xxx" + <%="abc"%>' value = "12" /> -       Correct     <dsp:param name="xxx"<%="abc"%> value = "12" /> - Wrong 3. Use DynamoHttpServletRequest instead of HttpServletRequest    DynamoHttpServletRequest drequest =     ServletUtil.getDynamoRequest(request);  4. Always Specify encoding type in JSP Pages    <%@ page contentType  = "text/html" %>    Below are few best practices for developers 1. Always use Generics. 2. Use String Builder instead of String Buffer in logging . 3. Always use Enhanced For Loop. 4. Use annotations(@over...

Endeca Set Of Questions and Answers to test your Knowledge

What  are the components that  make up the ITL transformation layer ? a: Forge Dgidx b: CAS MDEX c: CAS Experience Manager d: CAS Workbench Ans: a What is the component  which convert document and files to endeca souce property ? a: Experience  Manager b: MDEX c: Deveoloper Studio d: CAS Ans: d Source Data can come from Text files,Database,Filesystems and Websites true false  Ans: true You can update the index by one of the following a: fraction update b: modular update c: baseline update d: input update Ans: c Which process assigns auto generated dimension values a: workbench b: forge c: mdex d: application server Ans: b What are the possible data types of endeca property a: Date Time b: Integer c: Alpha d: Floating Point e: All The Above  Ans:e How many data sources a record can map a: One b: One or Many c: Upto 5 d: It cannot be possible to map Ans: e which one of the following is not a match mode a: ...

Customize to start Nucleus manually inside your java class

There is  a  simple approach to Initiate nucleus manually.Knowing this may help to customize Nucleus,like Override the default behavior, writing a custom junit test for testing profiles,repositories, etc. ATG has tools which Initiate N ucleus as a standalone to perform  some of their tasks.You might have used StartSqlRepository,the StartSqlRepositoy Initiate the nucleus as standalone.You need to take care of mapping the Repositories to appropriate Datasources.This is generally achieved through FakeXAComponents.All this are already available OOTB,but you can also start Nucleus manually doing some simple customization. Below are the customizations you need to do to start Nucleus manually,the modules given here are OOTB,additionally you need to include your respective modules and custom modules to resolve the necessary components. Define a component mynucleus and configure it in your build path . atg.dynamo.home=C:\\ATG\\ATG10.2\\home atg.dynamo.root=...